1 | 12個獵人 | 105-03-04 |
2 | 百鳥床 | 105-03-04 |
3 | 格林童話-魔法篇 | 105-03-04 |
4 | 國王的新衣 | 105-03-04 |
5 | 射日奔月 | 105-03-04 |
6 | 10 little rubber ducks | 105-03-04 |
7 | I can see just fine | 105-03-04 |
8 | The wrong book | 105-03-04 |
9 | Goodnight gorilla | 105-03-04 |
10 | 這不是我的帽子 | 103-04-17 |
11 | 好想吃榴槤 | 103-04-17 |
12 | 紅蘋果 | 103-04-17 |
13 | The very hungry Caterpiller. | 99-08-06 |
14 | 變成螞蟻的好鼻師 | 99-08-06 |
15 | There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. | 99-08-06 |
16 | 小老虎你的信 | 99-08-06 |
17 | 三隻小豬 | 99-08-06 |
18 | 半屏山的故事 | 99-08-06 |
19 | 牛的故事 | 99-08-06 |
20 | 卡夫卡變蟲記 | 99-08-06 |